Codification of Civil Law in Asia: Achievements and Challenges
Cập nhật lúc 17:55, 16/05/2022 (GMT+7)

The School of Law – Vietnam National University, Hanoi, and Hue University of Law; two major legal education and research institutions in North and Central Vietnam, will collaborate with the School of Law – Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China, to co-organize an international conference titled "Codification of Civil Law in Asia: Achievements and Challenges.”

This is the first international conference held in Vietnam dedicated wholly to researching, analyzing, and discussing the experiences of codifying civil law in Asian countries, with an emphasis on China, Vietnam, and a few other countries where civil law has recently witnessed important codification, recodification, and even de-codification projects. Taking, for example, the 2015 Civil Code of Vietnam. It is the third Civil Code that has been codified in Vietnam since just 1995. On the other hand, China recently promulgated its first Civil Code in its modern history in 2020 with many interesting provisions and characteristics. Other Asian countries have also undertaken major reforms in the field of civil law such as Japan, Cambodia, and Laos in the past decade. All these initiatives have placed Asia in the spotlight among international law communities; attracting plenty of interest, praise, and criticism.

Held in this context, the conference is expected to welcome insights, elaborations, discussions, analyses, and criticisms from scholars, practitioners, lawmakers who do not only work in the field of civil law but also work in other related disciplines such as economic analysis of law, history, philosophy and so on in order to shed lights on current developments. This is also hoped to lay a foundation for a future Asian consortium of private law research.




Topic 1: General issues of civil law codification

  • General theory of codification, re-codification, de-codification of civil law;
  • Current popular civil law codification models;
  • The history of civil law codification in the world;
  • Transplanting and codifying civil law in Common Law countries, and former colonial countries;
  • The role and impact of civil law codification;
  • Modern factors affecting civil law codification.



Topic 2: Experiences in codifying the Chinese civil code 

  • The history of Chinese civil code codification;
  • Discussing the Chinese Civil Code 2020: philosophy, structure, arrangements, overall assessment of the Code;
  • Comparative approach to some institutions in the Chinese Civil Code of 2020;
  • In-depth analysis and assessment of provisions in the Chinese Civil Code of 2020 (contractual provisions, marriage, and family, real rights, personality rights, guarantee of performance of obligations, etc.);
  • Vision and role of China's Civil Code in the current context


Topic 3: Experiences in codifying the Vietnamese Civil code 

  • The history of Vietnamese Civil Code codification and re-codification;
  • Analysis/assessment/comparison of the content of Vietnamese Civil Code codification;
  • Comparison and analysis of a number of regulations in the Vietnamese Civil Code 2015 and other civil codes;
  • Lessons from the process of codifying the 2015 Vietnamese Civil Code



Topic 4: Experience in codifying civil law in other Asian jurisdictions 

  • Experience in codifying civil law in Taiwan, Japan, Laos, and Cambodia...
  • Codified content of civil law in Taiwan, Japan, Laos, Cambodia…
  • Comparison and analysis of a number of regulations in the Taiwanese/Japanese/Laos/ Cambodian Civil Code and other Civil Codes;
  • Lessons from the process of codifying the Taiwanese/Japanese/Laos/ Cambodian civil law



Topic 5: Codification of some important institutions

  • Codification of general regulations;
  • Codification of property law;
  • Codification of the law of obligation;
  • Codification of inheritance law;
  • Codification of marriage and family law;
  • Codification of intellectual property law;
  • Codification of commercial law;
  • Codification of the law on the guarantee of performance of obligations;
  • Codification of the law on compensation for non-contractual damages;
  • Codification of international judicial law;
  • Other issues on the codification of Civil Code (Authors, Ph.D. candidates, master students can select a specific legal issue of civil law and analyze the codification related to this issue.)




  • Time: 16th September 2022;
  •  Place: Hue University of Law, Hue city, Vietnam;
  • Expected organizational form: The conference is organized in a hybrid format utylizing both on-site and on-line through Zoom Meetings platform;
  • Expected languages for the Conference: Vietnamese, Chinese, and English.




  • Abstract submission date: 31st May 2022

Authors should submit a 300-400 word abstract, which includes a title of the proposed paper and his/her short biographical details (including name, email, academic appointment, and affiliations);


  • Abstract selection announcement: 3rd June 2022
  • Full paper submission date: 10th August 2022
Articles submitted to the Conference should not have been submitted to other publications or journals for publication. The author(s) is the article's copyright owner and is responsible for all content, as well as any material, documents, data, images, and so on used in the article.
A4 paper size format;
Top margin, bottom margin, right margin: 2 cm, and left margin: 2.5 cm;
Font: Times New Roman, font size 13, single line, numbered in the center and bottom.
  • Submit a full paper via:
  • Registration date: 9th September 2022
  • Conference Programme

o        Link to Conference Programme: (Will be published soon)

  • Papers:

o     Link to Conference Papers: (Will be published soon)

  • Proposed publication date: 6 to 12 months after the conference









       出于概览和比较的目的,除越南和中国民法典外, 其他亚洲国家及地区的民法典经验亦在研讨范围之内。


(一) 讨会主题启示


-           民法法典化,重新法典化,法典化办法之一般理论

-           当前普遍之民法法典化之模型

-           世界上民法法典化之历史

-           在普通法国家、前殖民地国家等中流入民法法典化。

-           民法法典化之作用与影响

-           影响民法法典化之现代因素



-           中国民法法典化的历史与路径

-           探讨2020年中国民法典:新亮点,整体评价

-           2020年中国民法典部分制度比较方法

-           深入分析评估2020年中国民法典之部分规定(合同规定、婚姻家庭、义务履行保证等)

-           当前背景下中国民法典的愿景与作用



-           越南民法法典化与重新法典化之历史

-           越南民法法典化内容之分析,评估,比较

-           2015年越南民法典与2020年中国民法典规定对比分析

-           从越南民法法典化继受过程中之经验



-           台湾地区、日本、老挝、柬埔寨等民法法典化之历史

-           台湾地区、日本、老挝、柬埔寨等民法法典化之内容

-           台湾地区、日本、老挝、柬埔寨等民法典与越南民法典或中国民法典之部分规定对比分析

-                       台湾地区、日本、老挝、柬埔寨等民法法典化之经验



-     总则法典化

-     权法法典化

-     义务法法典化

-     继承法法典化

-     婚姻与家庭法法典化

-     识产权法法典化

-     商法法典化

-     义务履行保证法法典化

-     非合同损害赔偿法法典化

-     际司法法法典化

-     民法法典化的其他问题(作者、博士生、研究生可选择民法的具体法律问题并分析该问题相关的法典化)

(二) 研讨会的时间、形式和地点



-                     线上形式:Zoom 软件

-                     线下格式:A1 会议室 - (越南)顺化大学属下法律大学



摘要审查结果通知日期:2022 6 3 日之前。

全文截止接收日期:2022 8 5 日。

论文摘要和全文请发送至 或者





- 博士 Tran Kien  (陈坚),河内国家大学属下法律所


- 硕士 Le Khanh Linh(黎庆泠),顺化大学属下法律大学





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